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Application areas

Whether on a sliding or revolving door, an access gate or industrial door, a machine or parking system: certified detectors from BBC Bircher Smart Access ensure that a high level of safety and convenience is achieved in many different fields. 

  • Industrial door

    Schnelllauftor trennt zwei Bereiche einer Industriehalle

    From vertical doors to folding doors: BBC Bircher Smart Access will provide the right…

  • Vertical door

    The various detector components available from BBC Bircher Smart Access ensure that your…

  • Folding door

    Falttore an einem Busdepot

    Microwave motion detectors and loop detectors from BBC Bircher Smart Access activate…

  • Site entrance gate

    Arealtor an der Zufahrt eines Firmengeländes

    Sensors for protecting and activating automatic site entrance gates ✔️ Individual…

  • Sliding door

    Schiebetür in einem modernen Gebäude

    Microwave motion detectors and active and passive infrared detectors can be used as…

  • Swing door

    Automatische Drehflügeltür an einem öffentlichen Gebäude

    Presence detectors and motion detectors are used to monitor and protect the swivel range.…

  • Revolving door

    Karusselltür in moderner Architektur

    Infrared presence detectors sense any moving object and forward the pulse to switch the…

  • Public transport

    Zugwaggons mit geöffneter Tür

    BBC Bircher Smart Access detector systems protect passengers on public transport. They…

  • Parking systems

    Schranken an der Ausfahrt eines Parkhauses

    Our loop detectors guarantee that your parking system will be activated quickly and…

  • Machine safety

    Sicherheitsmatte sichert Gefahrenzone an Maschinen

    The top priority in the danger zone around machinery is to reliably protect people against…

  • Forklift

    Gabelstapler beim Einsatz in einem Logistikzentrum

    BBC Bircher Smart Access safety mats ensure that your employees will be better protected…

  • Health

    Sicherheitstrittmatten zur Vermeidung von Unfällen im Gesundheitswesen

    The CareMat increases safety when caring for people with dementia, as well as patients who…
